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Ok, so here is earth: 


It doesn't seem like it, but there are plates on the earth, and no, not plates that you eat, plate boundaries. As the description on the other page said, there are 8 main plates that can collide, or slide past, or move away each other. The movement of plate boundaries have different types; divergent boundary, convergent boundary, and transform boundary.

Divergent Boundaries:​

​Divergent boundaries are plates that move away from each other. When magma hits the surface and spreads out, it moves the older crust away, so that new crust may form.





Convergent Boundaries:

Convergent boundaries are plates that move inward toward each other. A plate will subduct under another plate. When that material has subducted in the lithosphere, and therefore volcanoes can form. The plate that is subducted will go deep enough in the lithosphere that the material will melt, causing enough pressure to make the melted material make its way up the other crust and volcanoes will erupt.


Transform Boundaries:

Transform boundaries are when plates slide past one another, like a hockey puck on ice, but the movement isn't as smooth. The result will be earhquakes.

















Early earth and plate tectonics:



























* Note that when each picture says "Click to play animation", it will not work, so don't even bother trying...

These boundaries affect our world in so many ways. We have convergent boundaries to make volcanoes and have more land, without it, Hawaii, Japan and other islands wouldn't have existed. Without divergent boundaries, we would have out big continents like Australia  or North America. Transform boundaries prepares us for some other disasters to come like earthquakes and tsunamis. All plate movement is what caused the earth to change this way.

~Geologic Research~

Plate Tectonics

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