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Geologic Research

October 8th 2012 was the day the project was assigned, and our group started working from day 1. Mary, Riley, Himansu, and Owen  researched about what, why, when, and how the 1995 Kobe earthquake happened in Japan. There were 3 sub topics that they covered; geologic research, specific science research, and geologic research. In order to know what they are talking about, you need to know the basics of an earthquake, mainly, tectonic plates. Scroll down for a topic to click on.

~Scientific Research~

Have you ever felt an earthquake, if you have, then do you know how they happen? If you don't then don't worry, we will fill you in on all the secrets. First off, the earth has these masses of land called plates that cover the earth's surface, like an eggshell. There are 8 main plates, they include the North American plate, South American plate, African plate, Eurasian plate, Australian plate, Pacific plate, Antarctic plate, and the Philippines plate. Overtime they collide or slide past each other, resulting in  smaller plates, bigger plates, or new plates. Click here to learn more about the way plate tectonics works on earth and more!


Now you have background information on tectonic plates, now you can understand the concept of earthquakes and how they happen. Click this button to learn more about earthquakes.

Historical Research

The earthquake that devastated the citizens of Kobe, Japan on the morning of January 17th, 1995. This earthquake was the next terrible disaster that Japan had to face next to the 1923 Tokyo Earthquake. Click on me to find out more about the 1995 Kobe earthquake and it's intriguing story behind it.

​© Copyright 2012, no one was seriously injured during the construction of this site....Well...only the people in the earthquake...

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